Hernias are a common medical condition that often requires surgical intervention to fix the protruding organ and weakened tissue. When your hernia repair fails to improve your condition, you may require abdominal wall reconstruction. Experienced reoperative surgeon Avo Artinyan, MD, MS, of Academic Surgical Associates, specializes in abdominal wall reconstruction. To schedule a consultation, call the office in Glendale, California, or book an appointment online today.
Abdominal wall reconstruction is a surgical procedure that repairs complex hernias or failed hernia surgeries.
Your abdominal wall has fat, muscle, and connective tissue that protects your internal organs. Damage or weakened areas of the abdominal wall may result in a hernia, which is when a portion of your internal organ protrudes through the weakened abdominal wall.
Hernias are common, and most require surgery to repair the abdominal wall. However, some hernias require more complex surgery. Additionally, surgical intervention to repair a hernia may cause scar tissue or other areas of weakness that leads to another hernia or other problems.
Dr. Artinyan is an experienced surgeon and specializes in complex surgical procedures like abdominal wall reconstruction.
When you visit Academic Surgical Associates, Dr. Artinyan will determine if you’re a candidate for abdominal wall reconstruction after a comprehensive evaluation.
He will review your surgical history and current scans and discuss your case with your other health providers. This will enable him to create an abdominal wall reconstruction plan that addresses your needs.
Dr. Artinyan will also discuss and address your symptoms, concerns, and likely outcomes from surgical intervention. He may consider you a candidate for abdominal wall reconstruction if you have:
Dr. Artinyan customizes your abdominal wall reconstruction operation to match your surgical needs and goals. He will review the details of your surgical plan at your pre-surgery consultation so you know what to expect.
During the procedure, Dr. Artinyan makes an incision in your abdomen and separates each layer of your abdominal wall and restores their natural position.
Dr. Artinyan may place a surgical mesh at the site of your incision to reinforce the abdominal wall and prevent hernia recurrence. The specific type of mesh you will need will be tailored to your individual case.
Recovery time following abdominal wall reconstruction varies. However, you can expect to spend a few days in the hospital following the procedure. Once discharged home, Dr. Artinyan recommends you modify your usual activities to ensure proper healing of your surgical wound.
Each abdominal wall reconstruction operation is unique, but you should be able to resume most of your usual activities within 2-4 weeks and be back to your usual routine within six weeks.
Abdominal wall reconstruction is a complex procedure that requires great skill and care. Call the office of Avo Artinyan, MD, MS, or schedule a consultation online today.